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1TERI ANNE HAMILL Nova Southeastern University Audiology Department -College of Health Care Sciences 3200 S. University Drive Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33328 (954) 262-7739 (w) EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy in AudiologyDecember, 1986 Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida Dissertation: The use of auditory evoked potentials in estimating threshold: The feasibility of using "chained-stimuli". Position Paper: Non-organic hearing loss. GPA: 4.0/4.0 Master of Science in AudiologyDecember, 1983 Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida Thesis: The relationship of pulsed, continuous, and warbled tone extended high-frequency thresholds. GPA: 3.7/4.0 Bachelor of Arts Communication DisordersMay, 1982 University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida Graduated Summa Cum Laude. EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE ProfessorMay, 1997 - present Nova Southeastern University Teaching, service and research responsibilities. Chair of audiology curriculum committee, research committee. Academic advisor to all doctoral students. Director of Audiologist's Assistant on-line training program. Chair of NSU Institutional Review Board Oct 2008-Sept 2010. Rank of associate professor awarded July, 2002. Rank of full professor awarded August 21, 2006. Clinical AudiologistNovember, 1995 - May, 1997 Lovelace Health Systems Provided full diagnostic and amplification services to a diverse population in a hospital based setting for New Mexico's largest HMO. Team member in a self-managed work group. continued, next page
2EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE, continued Adjunct FacultyNovember, 1995 - May, 1997 University of New Mexico Student practicum and student observation supervisor, course instructor as needed. Assistant ProfessorJuly, 1993 - December, 1995 University of New Mexico Tenure track position with teaching and research responsibilities. Served as interim audiology clinic director Summer 1995. Assistant ProfessorAugust, 1988 - July, 1993 Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas Tenure track position with teaching, research and clinical supervision responsibilities. Director of audiology clinical services and acting director of audiology. Research Audiologist January, 1987-August, 1988 Project Phoenix, Inc. of Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Post-doctoral position with the research and development group of Nicolet Instruments that produced the first commercial digital hearing aid. Completed 14 research protocols. Visiting Researcher January, 1987-August, 1988 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
3CONSULTING AND EXPERT WITNESS Quality Control Audits Feb, 2011 -December, 2012 Pediatrix Inc. Reviewed electrophysiology and otoacoustic emissions diagnostic results and reports, providing constructive feedback to improve testing. Development of protocol manuals. Continue to provide occasional consulting on challenging cases. Cannon v. City of Sarasota July, 2010 Provided consultation to ACLU on their lawsuit on behalf of plaintiffs who were cited under FL Statute 316.3045(1)(a) (which stipulated that a car stereo heard 25' away is unlawful.) The plaintiffs, represented by the ACLU, prevailed in mediation prior to my deposition. Written report provided. The ACLU was ultimately successful in having the state law declared unconstitutional. Pinellas County Code Enforcement December, 2009 v St Pete Iguana Inc Expert witness on the noise measurements made by code enforcement in the above case. Challenge to Constitutionality of Noise OrdinanceJune, 2009 State of FL Case No. 2008CT043699AXX Sound level analysis and expert testimony that lead to decision by the Honorable Paul O Moyle to declare FL Statute 316.3045(1)(a) (which stipulated that a car stereo heard 25' away is unlawful) as unconstitutional. Testimony provided was also the basis for the judge's decision that the officer who pulled over the defendant could not have heard the music from the defendant's vehicle, which was traveling at 30 mph, at a distance of greater than 100 feet. Evidence provided was referenced in the consolidated State of Florida v Richard T Catalano (2D10-973) and State of Florida V Alexander Schermerhorn (2D10-974) May 2011 decision by the Second District Court of Appeals to overturn the noise ordinance. Sound Level Analysis Aug-Sept 2005, Sept-Oct 2004 Lazarus & Lazarus, PA, Attorneys at Law, Ft Lauderdale Sound level analysis of three auto auction sites in a personal injury case. Audiology Consultant September - October, 1998 Knowles Electronics, Itasca, Illinois Consulting (on behalf of NSU) for company interested in implementing voice recognition technology in audiology applications. In return for the consultantship, Knowles donated $6000 to a departmental endowment fund. continued, next page
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